Friday, August 24, 2018

Syllabus Fall 2018
ART 4929C - Experimental Darkroom Photography

Instructor: Todd Bertolaet
Class time and location: 3:35PM to 6:05PM  0336 and darkroom


Course Objectives

ART 4929C Experimental Darkroom Photographyis an advanced workshop that introduces the students to techniques and processes associated with traditional black and white chemical-based photography. Technical instruction covers proper film exposure, development and producing silver gelatin prints.  Also covered will be experimental procedures such as Sabatier Effect, Bromide Stain, Photograms, Paper Negatives, Pinhole Cameras, toning, selective bleaching and multiple exposure. Assignments foster experimentation in artistic aesthetics and the development of the student's technical abilities. This class extends the student's own photographic experimentation by adding the possibilities of the traditional “wet” darkroom. The class also provides a foundation to the histories, theories, and artists that have influenced the medium. By semesters end, the student will demonstrate an understanding of black and white film processing and darkroom printing techniques, an ability to analyze the photographic message, and the ability to use the photograph as a means of communication and expression.  A studio art course includes hands-on work, critiques, demonstrations, and presentations.  Technical skills are most meaningful when paired with innovative problem solving; this course will actively advance both proficiency with traditional photographic techniques and imaginative approach to the creative process.

 Basic Photo + Experimental Techniques
There will be assignments to produce traditional silver prints and experimental silver prints. Assignments may vary in the amount of film, paper and support materials to complete the assignment. A minimum of two rolls of film should be shot per assignment requiring film. These assignments will have a set schedule for having processed film, contact sheets, work prints, and final prints.  After the critique of the assignment, an assignment grade is given for that assignment. This includes:  class and critique participation, class time usage, proof sheets, work prints, and demonstrated understanding of the concepts and processes. 

 Final Photo Project
Students will produce a ten print portfolio. Five prints will be traditional silver prints that will be mounted or matted for presentation. Five prints will be experimental silver prints finished appropriately for presentation. The experimental prints should use two or more of the processes and techniques covered in the experimental portion of this class.  The evaluative emphasis of the final project will be on your merging the chosen photo processes with the content and presentation of the artwork. 

Participation in critiques is mandatory for individual development and valuable contributions that each class member is expected to give the group.  These contributions of opinion, information, and discovery are an essential element for an exciting studio class.  

(Your lab fee only pays for the chemistry used in the darkroom. All other materials must be purchased)

Wait to purchase your supplies until your section instructor has discussed the list with you.  The following will be needed near the beginning of the class: 

1.  A fully adjustable 35 mm film SLR camera (or larger).  You will need this by the second week of class. The Art Department has 35 mm cameras available for check-out from the supply room. 

2. 400 speed Black and White 35 mm film (Kodak Tri-X, T-Max, Ilford HP-5) 
Students are required to process their own film.  The use of commercial labs is unacceptable.   Make sure you DO NOT buy a B&W film that is processed in C-41 (color) chemicals.  Read the label.

3. Clear negative storage sleeves

4. Ilford Multigrade (Variable Contrast) RC (resin coated) paper (8x10 size), glossy or matt surface. (We will discuss the various types of paper in class.)
Do not open the paper box until you are instructed to do so.

5.Canned air (Dust-off)

6. A notebook for record keeping (exposure)

Other materials you may need:
• small hand towels for darkroom use
• matt board and mounting tissue
• sharpie to mark up contact sheets
• 8.5 x 12 envelopes to turn in work
• additional material for your final project (i.e. larger photographic paper, etc)


Students will be expected to attend all classes, labs and lectures, complete all assignments, and participate fully in classroom discussion. 

A: Exceptional performance, effort and accomplishment beyond expectations.
B: Very good work, consistent effort and participation, full attendance.
C: Satisfactory work, average effort, good attendance.
D: Poor work, effort, or attendance.
F: Unacceptable work or excessive absences.

Plus and minus additions to the letter grades will be used to further differentiate the above. 
Late assignments will lose one letter grade for each class day. 

University Attendance Policy:
Excused absences include documented illness, deaths in the family and other documented crises, call to active military duty or jury duty, religious holy days, and official University activities. These absences will be accommodated in a way that does not arbitrarily penalize students who have a valid excuse. Consideration will also be given to students whose dependent children experience serious illness.

Syllabus Change Policy:
Except for changes that substantially affect implementation of the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice.

Computer Requirements:
All Studio Art students are required to purchase a laptop computer. This allows students to work seamlessly on their own machine in studio classes and computer labs. Details at:

Department of Art News and Opportunities:
Stay up to date with FSU Art news and opportunities on the sites below:          
• FSU Art News: (and Subscribe to Weekly Update at      
• FSU Art on Facebook:
• FSU Art on YouTube:
• To submit your news, opportunities, images of your work:         

On-campus tutoring and writing assistance is available for many courses at Florida State University. For more information, visit the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) Tutoring Services’ comprehensive list of on-campus tutoring options - see or contact High-quality tutoring is available by appointment and on a walk-in basis. These services are offered by tutors trained to encourage the highest level of individual academic success while upholding personal academic integrity. 

The Florida State University Academic Honor Policy outlines the University’s expectations for the integrity of students’ academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty members throughout the process. Students are responsible for reading the Academic Honor Policy and for living up to their pledge to “. . . be honest and truthful and . . . [to] strive for personal and institutional integrity at Florida State University.” (Florida State University Academic Honor Policy, found at

Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should:
(1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center; and
(2) bring a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. 

This should be done during the first week of class. Please note that instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodation to a student until appropriate verification from the Student Disability Resource Center has been provided.  

This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.

For more information about services available to FSU students with disabilities, contact the:
Student Disability Resource Center
874 Traditions Way
108 Student Services Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4167 
(850) 644-9566 (voice)
(850) 644-8504 (TDD)


 Expectations and Requirements
For All Course Sections Taught by Todd Bertolaet

Reading and Research:  

            All students are required to do hard copy and site research. This means that you are required to utilize the various libraries located in Tallahassee including those located on the campuses of FSU, FAMU, TCC, the state library, and the Leon County Library. Site research, is not limited to but does include, galleries, museums, and other venues used for scholarly research. The use of the Internet will never be accepted as the sole aspect for student research in photography sections. 


            There is a lab fee included in your fees and tuition for all photo course work.  This lab fee covers the cost of maintaining the photo lab facility, digital photo lab, and photo studios.  As a student you are required to purchase your consumables that includes but are not limited to, photo paper, film, canned air, mounting tissue, mounting boards, negative pages and notebooks.



            Attendance is mandatory. The instructor will not repeat lectures, demonstrations and critiques for unexcused or excused absences. The instructor does not give make up tests, make up exams, make up assignments or make up projects. There is no extra credit. Students with excused and/or unexcused absences are responsible for all materials missed.

Class Starting Time:

            Class begins when the instructor begins.

Electronic Devices:              

            Students are expected to mute or turn off electronic devices including smart phones and store in backpacks and purses during the duration of class. Notes will be taken with paper utilizing a pen or pencil. Laptop, smart phone and i-pad screens will fog and ruin silver film and paper.

Student Work:
            The instructor reserves the right to copy student assignments and projects.


            All assignments must be successfully completed to specific requirements to receive a grade. Assignments are due at the immediate beginning of the specified class unless specified by the instructor.  The student must do all aspects of the assignments during the time the student is enrolled in the specific course. Students are responsible for all materials brought forth during lecture, lab, critique, reading assignments etc. It is strongly advised that students attend class, pay attention, take notes, contribute and participate in discussion/critique.


            Participation in class and critique is required. Successful completion of assignments is required.  Grading is done on an A, B, C, D, and F scale.  Grades are averaged together to formulate the final grade.


            Cheating is not an acceptable practice and will result in dismissal from the course.  Cheating includes but is not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, contracting others to complete assignments, and theft of work.  Students must produce their own work during the time period that the student is enrolled in a specific course. 

Verbal Changes:

            The instructor has the right to verbally change written assignments, etc. of the section being taught.  It is the student’s responsibility to make written notice of changes that may be presented verbally.  

Student Conduct:

           All Students are expected to perform as ladies and gentlemen in the classroom and all other areas of the photography facility.  Failure to abide by what the instructor and/or university deem appropriate conduct may result in dismissal from the classroom, photography facility, and other related activities. 


August 27—Intro

            29—Photogram Demo

Sept      5—Film Development Demo

           10—Proof Sheet Demo

           12—Students Bring in Cameras
                   Shutter Speeds, F/stops, ISO
                   Correct B&W Film Exposure
                   Front, Back and Sidelight

           17—Enlarging and Contrast Filter Demo

           19—Photograms DUE

           24—Pinhole Demo


Oct       1—Enlarging

             3—Front, Back and Sidelight DUE

             8—Bromide Stain, Painting With Light Demo

           10—Conrtast Filter Prints DUE

           17—Pinhole Prints DUE

           22—Bromide Stain, Painting With Light 

           24-- Bromide Stain, Painting With Light

           29—Straight Prints

           31—Painting With Light DUE

Nov      5—Final Project

             7—Bromide Stain DUE


            19—Straight Prints DUE

            26—Final Project

            28—Final Project

Dec        3—Final Project

              5—Final Project DUE


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